Friday, November 19, 2010

oh, those wacky fringe liberals.

Yahoo news has carried a blog post from Ted Rall, and a more frothing liberal I'd be hard pressed to find. Ordinarily, I'd completely ignore writing like this, but this one is really too good to pass up.

Obama is so far to the left, he pushed the American public into a voting storm that caused one of the biggest party gains in the history of the country.

But he's not nearly liberal enough for the fringe who got him elected. This guy accuses Obama of being just as much, if not more right wing, than W. Bush.

As my gaming friends like to say, "lol whut?"

Here's some choice bits out of Ted Rall's post.

Six days into the Obama presidency, I'd seen enough.

"Give the man a chance?" I asked on January 26, 2009. "Not me. I've sized up him, his advisors and their plans, and already found them sorely wanting. It won't take long, as Obama's failures prove the foolishness of Americans' blind trust in him. Obama isn't our FDR. He's our Mikhail Gorbachev: likeable, intelligent, well-meaning, and ultimately doomed by his insistence on being reasonable during unreasonable times."
That last one is really telling. This guy thinks that Obama has been "reasonable" pushing through all of his socialistic agenda. And, what's more, he wanted Obama to be unreasonable.

We may have changed. But Obama hasn't. It was obvious from the beginning that Mr. Hopey Changey was devoid of character, deploying a toxic blend of liberal rhetoric and right-wing realpolitik.

I think that speaks for itself really. Head on over there and read through the article if you want to take a peek into the mind of a far, far fringe liberal.

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