Friday, September 17, 2010

today's democratic leadership failure

I almost could not believe the headline I read today. "You may hate us, but GOP is worse."

... That's the best you can come up with?

Seriously, if the best message you can come up with to try and sway voters to your side is "don't hate us please", there's something wrong with your ideology, or your politics, or your actions. If you cannot point to your ideology, platform, or campaign promises because there is too much of a stigma on them for failing worse than any other platform in the history of the United States, just step down.

This isn't just my opinion. This is the majority of Americans' opinions.

A Rasmussen poll in August shows that Congress' approval rating is 16%.

Sixteen percent!

That earns them a Disapproval Rating of 84%. Vote the bums out!

In May of this year, Rasmussen conducted a poll asking voters if a random selection from the phone book would perform better in Congress than those presently in office. Care to take a guess as to what the response was?

61% of voters responded "yes" or "maybe", with 38% dissenting.

If 61% of voters think there's an even chance that a random person, with unknown temperament, unknown morals, unknown religion, unknown education, unknown political affiliation, unknown ideology, unknown sympathies, unknown agenda, can do a better job than the politicians currently in power there's something very, very wrong.

Vote the arrogant elitists out of office! They work for us! They should be afraid of the people, the people should not be afraid of the government. Send them the message-


Rasmussen's Congressional Performance
Rasmussen's Phone Book Survey

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

ahh, pundits.

Joe Gandelman at The Moderate Voice:

Tea Party candidates have upset the Republican establishment. In an important sense, the GOP has now fully made the jump into a political party with a soul anchored in talk radio: sharing many of the views and speaking in the tone and sound bites of a Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, or Sean Hannity. The political pros who juggled policies with ideology and formulas on how best to win by appealing to diverse groups are being edged out by true believers who believe that he or she who doesn’t embrace enough of the agenda needs to take a hike out of the party. It’s the next logical step on an ongoing exodus of moderates from the GOP, some intentionally and others being shoved to the door."

Yes, Joe. Yes. The term "moderate", when applied to Republicans, translates to "liberal". Mike Castle, the "moderate Republican" who was a favored pet of the Establishment voted for the exceedingly liberal Democrat agenda 70% of the time. If what you want is a bunch of "moderate" Republicans as the "opposition" party to the Democrats, what is the point in having two political parties? It would be just as effective to have one ruling party with subgroups for each set of interests.

But that's not what we have. We have a two party system and, although it has calcified into one large Establishment group, we do (still) have a second party to rebuff the agenda of the other, to represent the interests of the rest of the country. That's what its all about- representation.

The "political pros" you lovingly refer to were not representatives of their constituents, and the proof is evident in your choice of words. You say they "juggled policies with ideology and formulas on how best to win by appealing to diverse groups".

That's what it comes down to. Career politicians' main objective is to remain in power, which shifts their focus away from how best to serve their constituents to how best to win reelection. This becomes a problem when the campaign advisors are telling people, who should be doing what their constituents want, to pander to "diverse groups" in an effort to win liberal votes.

So, yes, there is an exodus of liberals from Republican ranks. They should switch to the liberal party, and if they don't, we'll vote them out of office.

MSNBC interviewd Vice President Joe Biden who said,

"It's real tough for the Republican Party... It's kind of hung on a shingle. You know, no moderates need apply. It's sort of spawned a ... tone in politics that is not helpful to getting things done."
Translation: It's real tough for the liberals in the Republican Party who work with my Democrats. No liberal Republicans need apply. It's a swelling of voters who are sick and tired of all of our bullcrap, and the conservatives that they're electing are not going to let us ramrod our agenda through the legislature anymore.

And its about time.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

9/11 mosque

I don't have a lot of time at the moment, but I'd just like to quote a piece of a wikipedia article on the Cordoba House. As a preface, immediately before this piece of the article, it was shown that every poll demonstrates the huge opposition Americans have towards allowing the mosque to be built 2 blocks away from the 9/11 attack.

Notably, opposition to the location of the project at the proposed site does not always entail opposition to a recognition of the developers' legal right to locate the project at the proposed site. The Quinniapac University poll of New York State residents released August 31, 2010 notes "By a 54 - 40 percent majority, voters agree 'that because of American freedom of religion, Muslims have the right to build the mosque near Ground Zero,'.". A Fox News national poll taken August 10–11, 2010 found that 61% felt that the project developers had a right to build a mosque there (a majority of Democrats (63-32%), Republicans (57-36%), and Independents (69-29%).

Hear that, elitist liberal mainstream media?


We know that Muslims have a constitutional right to worship their religion. But they should take our sensibilities into account.

To use the other largest attack on American soil in the past century as an example, the Japanese have not pushed to create a Japanese cultural center or Shinto shrine near Pearl Harbor, trying to promote community and understanding and tolerance (and all those other euphemisms that the faces of radical Islam spout when defending their cause), even though Japan is one of the closest allies of the United States and we've gone so far as to create artworks about the nobility of the Japanese warriors who fought against us. I'm sure there are Japanese cultural centers or equivalent elsewhere in the nation, but good sense was exercised in the placement of their construction and they have not been build near the site of our national tragedy.

Yes, Muslims have the right to worship in our country. No, they should not construct a Muslim place of worship 2 blocks away from the site of the 9/11 tragedy, even if they use the term "community center" to describe it. Have some respect for the honored, innocent fallen.


Monday, September 6, 2010

"Fed Up With Politics, and Politicians"

There's a story in the New York Times about how people in Illinois are fed up with politicians. And their politics. I think it would be a much more interesting story if it was written about the country as a whole, but the premise of the story is a feeling that I deeply share.

“I’m getting sick and tired of the politics — just get the job done,” said Cliff Olszewski, 50, a civil engineer.

You can read the story here.

In other news, I found a story at the Boston Herald and I just want to lay one quote on you that shows a piece of how broken the system is.

"We obviously have people in positions of influence in Washington right now," said state Rep. Mark Falzone (D-Saugus). "That means dollars back to Massachusetts, so just as a state legislature, we certainly want to see that money flowing to the state. It’s one of the things that’s helped balance our budget."
Massachusetts gets extra income from the federal government simply because their representatives are in positions of power in Congress. Take it a step further: being a chairman in Congress enables you to provide kickbacks to those who funded your campaign. This is BROKEN! This country was supposed to have been interested in merit and ability and morals, not money.

There is a natural aristocracy among men. The grounds of this are virtue and talents.
Whenever a man has cast a longing eye on offices, a rottenness begins in his conduct
Our country is now taking so steady a course as to show by what road it will pass to destruction, to wit: by consolidation of power first, and then corruption, its necessary consequence.
All three by Thomas Jefferson.

uh oh, CAIR...

Courtesy of ABC news:
"The issue I can sense brewing on hate sites on the Internet is, 'These Muslims are celebrating on September 11,'" Hooper told The Associated Press. "It's getting really scary out there."

"We are asking people to take into account security concerns... given the almost hysterical atmosphere we're in right now," said Ibrahim Hooper, national communications director for the Council on American-Islamic Relations.
Wait... Mr. Hooper, does that mean that people are starting to see through your BS lies about having only the best of all of humanity's interests at heart while your organization secretly funds terrorist groups? Maybe saying one thing to one group of people and saying something different to another group of people isn't paying off anymore.

"I wouldn't want to create the impression that I wouldn't like the government of the United States to be Islamic sometime in the future." - Ibrahim Hooper
Go stuff your fundamentalist, fascist, theocratic, terrorist-supporting self and organization elsewhere. This nation's worst is above your best. We don't want your kind here. Everyone who is here legally is more than welcome to enjoy the freedoms created by our forefathers and proteced by the blood of our soldiers, but no one who aims to limit those freedoms is welcome to do so, no matter if they're politicians or activists or spokesmen for front groups for terrorist organizations.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

the horror of obamacare

Doctor Hal Scherz, a pediatric surgeon at Georgia Urology and Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, president and cofounder of Docs4PatientCare, wrote an article for the Wall Street Journal in which he quotes a letter that he and fellow doctors are showing in their waiting rooms. I reproduce a part of it here.
"Dear Patient: Section 1311 of the new health care legislation gives the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services and her appointees the power to establish care guidelines that your doctor must abide by or face penalties and fines. In making doctors answerable in the federal bureaucracy this bill effectively makes them government employees and means that you and your doctor are no longer in charge of your health care decisions. This new law politicizes medicine and in my opinion destroys the sanctity of the doctor-patient relationship that makes the American health care system the best in the world."
There is much more good stuff in the rest of the article- I highly recommend you read it!

Furthermore, I found another article on the Wall Street Journal whose headline reads "Employers Raise Workers' Share of Health Costs", and it made me remember a conversation I had with one of the district managers for the company I currently work for.

I had written this man an email about the shoddy health benefits that the company was offering to me, now that I've completed my 90 days evaluation period. In short, if I want medical coverage, I have to pay 6.5% to nearly 25% of my income. And that's ridiculous. After we talked it over a bit, he brought up Obamacare and the effect it will have on companies- I addressed that in a post here.

personal stuff

Other than talk about games and the initial post of personal views way back in the day, I haven't really said anything about me as a person. And what a fun situation I'm in. So here goes.

I had bought a new car in 2004 after I attained a managerial job for a retail company- this becomes significant later. More recently, I was unemployed for about 2 years after being let go from a different retail company as a store manager. I lived in an area without much industry at all- the area has a company that produces RVs and mobile homes, but that's about it- and the vast majority of everything else in the area was service sector. In the economy we had 2 years ago, that means the job market in the area was nonexistent. I looked and looked and looked, and the only positions I was able to find available were part time, minimum wage jobs. Doing the math, I needed to find a company that paid almost $12 an hour on a full time basis to simply equal what I was getting on unemployment, so I wasn't about to take a pay cut when I already had a hard time making ends meet, paying for my car payment, insurance, rent, etc etc.

Towards the end of those two years (the beginning of this year) I had fallen very behind on everything. My car was up for repossession, my registration was very expired and I had 3 parking tickets because of it. So if the repo squad didn't nab it, the police were about to. I'm piggybacking on a friend's cell phone plan, or the internet would be my only means of contacting the outside world. In short, my world was a shambles and hanging by a thread, on the edge of crumbling to ashes.

I finally took a job- it was minimum wage like all the rest of them, but it was full time, so it was at least something. I fell even further behind after accepting "gainful" employment, since I was making less money than I was getting even on unemployment. I worked it for a couple months, all the while fearing for my vehicle, double threatened by the legal owners of the car and by law enforcement just doing their job. My car was/is everything; without it, I lose my job because there are no other options to travel to work- cabs too expensive, much too far to walk or ride a bicycle, and the labyrinthine schedule and routes of buses in three or four different cities would not get the job done. And if I lose my job, I might as well go commit a crime that will put me in jail so I can have a roof over my head and not go hungry, and then receive all sorts of benefits given to convicts after they get out of prison- such as job training and placement assistance.

Things started to look up in June when I moved away from the tiny little hell hole of a desert town I was in to a place much closer to the coast- moved in with an old high school friend of mine who not only needed a roommate to help pay rent, but his company had positions they needed filled. And it paid better than minimum wage. Not much better, but anything helps. So in a time span of about two weeks I interviewed for the new position and was hired, and moved down there. It happened so fast, I worked the last night at my old job on a Sunday night (technically Monday morning, as the shift lasted until 12:30AM) and started training with my new company Monday morning at 9AM, with the final load of my belongings in the back of my car.

With the increase in pay from the new job from June to now, my car is no longer up for repossession, though I am again a month behind on the payment. I still owe the Department of Motor Vehicles for my registration, to include three times the value of the three parking tickets that were issued to me because I did not update my registration in a 30 day period from time of issuance of the ticket. My car will still likely be towed by the police if I get pulled over or leave it parked in a public area, and I will then, again, be helpless to prevent the destruction of my life due to not having a vehicle to drive to my work to earn income.

And don't tell me "just pay the ticket and get your car back", because that is not the way it works. I'll have to pay off all the tickets just to be able to update my registration, and then pay for the late registration, and then pay a fine to the law enforcement agency for their "troubles" in calling a company to tow my car away, and then, on top of all of that, I'll have the opportunity to pay the towing company a $200+ per day storage fee to have them release my car to me.

With less than $70 in my bank account, with all my money flying away from me faster than I can earn it just to pay off my debts, getting my car back after it gets towed will not happen.

To put icing on the cake, my car developed a wiring problem where my brake lights will not turn on when I depress the pedal. I still work until after sunset, so my lack of brake lights is readily apparent on my drive home from work. Its like having a giant, bright (dim?) sign for the entire local police force affixed to my car.

Thats my financial life as it stands right now.

Things could always be worse, I know, but it makes your life seem a little brighter by hearing about mine, doesn't it? :)


I looked at my page today and found that I've been linked to by Concealed Carry News, and even though this is the kind of thing I've been hoping for, I'm still surprised.

Thanks, CCN, I appreciate it!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

as part of my effort to post more...

... I'm going to try to post more personal topics than political topics. Politics is exceptionally irritating and draining, for me.

Politics is such a torment that I advise everyone I love not to mix with it. -Thomas Jefferson

The system is so broken, and intentionally so, and yet most people don't see that they're simply being divisive (I do NOT use the word in the traditional media usage) to maintain power.

But today is a political topic. Unfortunately- in more than one sense.

Firearm ownership in America has become highly politicized, and it really shouldn't be. All of this talk of "interpreting the Second Amendment" and how pro-firearm people are interpreting it incorrectly is just bunk. There are no interpretations possible other than the plain text that is written, especially if you take any time to read anything that the founding fathers of the nation wrote about it. No free citizen of the United States of America shall be prevented from owning a firearm.

The key word there is "free". If you're a criminal, sorry, your right to arm yourself is gone. Mentally ill and hospitalized? No longer "free".

And, really, that's what this "debate" centers on. One side cries out, "Violent crime is on the rise!" While I reply, "And you've helped quite enough, thank you." By demonizing and stereotyping gun owners and anyone who is pro-second amendment as violent nutballs (and they've done a damn good job of it), it has become commonplace in my experience for many people to react negatively to anyone who owns a firearm and so much as mentions it in passing. This leads to a reduced amount of firearm owners and leads to increased crime.

Proof? The seven lowest crime states in America are Right To Carry states, meaning that their state laws provide for what I stated above- free citizens have the right to arm themselves. 24 states have adopted "shall issue" laws for gun permits for citizens since the violent crime peak of 1991. About 90 million more legally owned firearms are in civilian hands today than in 1991, and America's murder rate has dropped to a 43 year low- dropping by 46%. The total violent crime rate in America has decreased 41%, to a 35 year low. I took a look at the preliminary UCR from the FBI, and the statistics there show that crime has dropped again from 2008-2009, across the board. As determined by John Lott and David Mustard, when concealed carry laws went into effect, murders fell by 8.5%, rapes fell by 5%, and assaults fell by 7%.

National surveys of police officers show that they support concealed handgun laws by 3 to 1.

Florida has issued more than 1.7 million permits, more than any other state, and has revoked only 167, or 0.01% due to firearms related crimes by the citizens carrying permits.

Catch that? 0.01% of people who receive gun carry permits (in Florida, at least) commit crimes relating to their firearms. 0.01%. 0.01%! One hundreth of one percent!

Firearms used in crimes are used by criminals who obtain them illegally, not by law-abiding citizens who exercise their constitutional right to arm themselves and protect themselves from criminals.

Anti-gun laws only restrict the rights of law-abiding citizens; the supposed targets of the anti-gun laws, violent criminals, are already living outside the law anyway... what makes anyone think they'll obey this one law when they ignore the rest of them?

I think I'll cut this one short today. I could fill a book with my frustrations on this one topic alone.

In any case, I'll close with this message to the politicians:


Sites I borrowed from to write the post: